ジャンルに囚われず、様々なコラボレーションを行ってきたBAPE®こと「A BATHING APE®」。
A BATHING APE®, a.k.a. BAPE®, has been collaborating with a variety of companies, regardless of genre.BAPE® and BRANDALISM have collaborated once again.
BRANDALISM is inspired by BANKSY, a masked artist based in London.
He has been called the "terrorist of art" for the strong and sensitive messages he expresses with stencils on walls all over town, and for his performance of exhibiting his work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art without permission. Although he has not revealed his profile or real face, he was selected as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by Time Magazine, which shows the extent of his influence.
全高は約360mm、今回のコラボレーションでは前回に引き続きABC CAMOを採用。色鮮やかなピンクとブルーの2色展開。
強烈なメッセージ性と、BAPE® ABC CAMOの組み合わせが唯一無二のインパクトを生み出す仕上がりとなっている。
he figure is approximately 360mm tall, and is made of the same ABC CAMO material used in the previous collaboration. The figure comes in two colors, pink and blue. The combination of the strong message and BAPE® ABC CAMO creates a one-of-a-kind impact.
本コラボレーションは2021年9月25日(土)にA BATHING APE®正規取り扱い店舗及びWEB STORE、2G、MEDICOM TOY PLUSにて発売。
The collaboration will go on sale on September 25th (Sat), 2021 at A BATHING APE® authorized stores, WEB STORE, 2G, and MEDICOM TOY PLUS.