MADworldは、Animoca Brandsの出資により設立されたベンチャー企業で、Web3.0の技術で大衆につながり、文化、コミュニティを提供するというミッションを推進することを目的としています。

BAPE® announced today the latest partnership with MADworld, a NFT platform for both real world & digital collectibles, powered by Multiverse Artist Defender, to venture into the Metaverse.
MADworld, a venture backed by Animoca Brands, is dedicated to bringing the best of Global Culture to Web3. MADworld seeks to use Web3 technologies to promote its mission of delivering Connectedness, Culture and Community to the masses. In partnership with BAPE®, MADworld will create a one-of-a-kind, cohesive approach to tie together streetwear, gaming, tokens, and Multi-Metaverse experiences for the global BAPE® fanbase and beyond.

1993年に東京・原宿で創業して以来、世界で最も象徴的なストリートウェアブランドとしての地位を獲得したBAPE®は、10,000個のユニークで高品質な3D NFTからなる新たなプロジェクト、(B)APETAVERSEを始動しました。
2022年3月31日、ラスベガスのリゾートワールド「Zouk」にて、BAPE®︎はNFTの所有者とゲストを招待し、 (B)APETAVERSEのローンチパーティーが開催されました。世界的に有名なラスベガス「Strip」地区で最大のLEDスクリーンに、(B)APETAVERSEのデジタルアートが映し出され、大きな反響を呼びました。

BAPE® has been among the world's most iconic streetwear brands since its founding in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan in 1993, has launched (B)APETAVERSE, its first non-fungible token (NFT) project, consisting of 10,000 unique, high-quality 3D NFTs.
With the (B)APETAVERSE celebration hosted on 31st March 2022 in Zouk, Resorts World, Las Vegas, for the creation of the new (B)APETAVERSE for its new citizens – the NFT holders and their guests.

クラブ内では、3つの新しいNFTが展示され、さらに舞台のスクリーンには120以上のNFTが映し出されました。熱狂的なファンで埋め尽くされた会場では、DJ Breathe Carolinaが奏でるビートがゲストを魅了し、観客席にBAPE®のTEEを投げ入れる演出が繰り広げられるなど、大いに盛り上がりました。

Displayed across the entire side of some of the newest buildings, a jaw-dropping showcase of (B)APETAVERSE digital art pieces were featured on the biggest LED screen in the world-famous Las Vegas ‘Strip’. The Zouk Archways also saw 3 of the new NFTs on display, while 120+ were revealed on the giant proscenium LED screen inside the club. Guests were treated to beats played by DJ Breathe Carolina – ranked 61 in DJ Mag’s Top 100 2021 – who threw BAPE® tees into the lucky crowd of devoted fans.


The celebratory launch party has revealed the first glimpses of the stunning NFT collection that BAPE® has been developing, with a whole new set of NFTs are being revealed including GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE statues – although these ultra-rare ones will be kept in the NFT treasury wallet, not to be released to the public. BAPE® fans can keep an eye out for a whole set of rare properties in upcoming NFTs including laser eyes, green beams, lightning eyes, and various BAPE® clothing and accessories such as caps, earrings, necklaces etc. #WorldGoneBape has truly taken hold and fans are eagerly exploring the (B)APETAVERSE.


For more upcoming roadmaps of (B)APETAVERSE, and also the MAD plans in the works for the BAPE® x MADworld collaboration, please stay tuned! We cannot wait to share it with the world.