2018年のCHINESE NEW YEARを祝いBAPE STORE®原宿、渋谷では2月16日(金)よりHAPPY BAG 2018の限定販売をおこないます。 さらにHAPPY BAGをお買い上げのお客様に先着でRED PACKETとステッカー(いずれか1色)をプレゼントいたします。 数に限りがございます。ぜひお見逃しなく!
In celebration of the 2018 CHINESE NEW YEAR, BAPE STORE® HARAJUKU and SHIBUYA will be exclusively launching 2018 HAPPY BAGs from February 16th (FRI). In addition, a RED PACKET and sticker (one of the colors) will be gifted upon a HAPPY BAG purchase. Supplies are limited and gifted only on a first come first serve basis. Don’t miss it!